sabato 27 giugno 2015

Con la cintura nera non viene maturità ed esperienze di vita

Ruben Alvarez è una giovane cintura nera di Roberto "Cyborg" Abreu e insegna alla Black House a Miami Beach. Ieri Ruben Alvarez ha postato sulla sua pagina facebook un video in cui smaschera una finta cintura nera, ma alcuni hanno criticato il modo in cui ha gestito la situazione, tra questi anche il suo maestro Roberto Cyborg Abreu.

Queste sono alcune cose che ha scritto Cyborg a proposito della reazione che ha avuto il suo allievo:

"Non sono d'accordo sul modo in cui ha gestito la situazione, ma non posso pretendere che lui abbia la stessa maturità e visione della vita che ho io". 

"Nessuno ha il diritto di umiliare o mancare di rispetto a qualcuno come ha fatto lui, anche in quella circostanza".

"Essere umile e rispettoso è sempre la prima lezione nella nostra scuola". 

"Con la cintura nera non viene maturità ed esperienze di vita".

"Sono sicuro che questo evento servirà di esempio per molte cinture nere e non solo di tutto il mondo a ripensare i loro atteggiamenti su come affrontare le situazioni. Nella vita come nel jiu jitsu non perdiamo mai, o vinciamo o impariamo! OSS


"I have to comment on the video was posted yesterday from one of my black belts Ruben Alvarez, who teaches at our affiliate school Black House in Miami Beach. I see people having different opinions from what just happened. I see this event as a great lesson to all community of bjj.

At First, Of course the guy was completely wrong faking being a black belt, showing some mental disorder trying to do such a silly mistake with no technical or knowledge foundation about the sport.
It's hard to judge Ruben Alvarez's reaction because there are two sides of the story. The first side is who Ruben is. A YOUNG bjj black belt, super dedicated, who devoted his life to competing and conquering his space on the dreamed competitive black belt world of Jiu Jitsu and now is starting to share his knowledge teaching at this school. Ruben trains with me for the last 7 years, he is a great person, comes from an amazing and supportive family, and is very passionate for BJJ. He is on the beginning of his career. On his view, it was very offensive to him to have a guy lying and trying to pass through something he worked really hard to be. But of course nobody has the rights to humiliate or disrespect someone like he did, even under those circumstances.

The second side is that Unfortunately when you receive your black belt you become a white belt again. With the black belt doesn't come maturity and life experiences. These things we have to learn through out years beating ourselves taking right and wrong decisions into becoming a more mature and wise "Professor/Master". We all know when we are young we don't measure consequences or responsibilities towards our attitudes. I don't judge him for defending the honor and principles of the sport he loves. 

I'm very firm and straight with my students when it comes to posture and respect towards everyone. Being humble and respectful is always the first lesson of our school. I have a completely different view of this situation from what he sees, I don't agree on the way he handled the situation, but I can't expect him to have the same maturity and view of life I do. I was on his shoes one day and I understand where he comes from. The guy learned his lesson, and I'm sure Ruben did too. 

I'm sure this event somehow was set as an example for many black belts and non black belts around the world to rethink their attitudes on how to deal with situations. In life like jiu jitsu we never loose, or we win or we learn! Osss"  
Roberto "Cyborg" Abreu

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