venerdì 7 aprile 2023

Dalla Gran Bretagna all'Italia. La passione per il Jiu-Jitsu di una bambina italo-inglese - From Great Britain to Italy. The passion for Jiu-Jitsu of an Anglo-italian Girl


Vorrei condividere con voi la storia di Dalia, una bambina italo-inglese che si è trasferita da poco nel nostro paese. Dalia ha scoperto il Jiu-Jitsu Brasiliano in Inghilterra e ha continuato a praticarlo nel mio corso all'Accademia APUANIA ACADEMY di Massa.

Nonostante abiti in un paesino distante un'ora di macchina, la mamma è sempre pronta ad accompagnarla alle lezioni perché ha visto quanto il Jiu-Jitsu Brasiliano abbia fatto bene alla sua bambina.

La mamma mi ha detto che da quando pratica Jiu-Jitsu, ha aumentato l'autostima verso le proprie capacità e a relazionarsi e a collaborare con i compagni maschi, che è un bel risultato se pensiamo che era un po' diffidente dapprincipio verso il genere maschile. Questo dimostra che in un ambiente sano si possono creare le condizioni per aiutare le future generazioni al rispetto reciproco.

La possibilità di andare in una palestra più vicina ci sarebbe, mi ha detto la mamma, che aggiunge: "Ma a lei piace molto come tu insegni, il tuo approccio calmo e incoraggiante, e le lezioni che sono un misto tra divertimento, tecnica e lotta."


I would like to share with you the story of Dalia, an Anglo-italian girl who has recently moved to our country. Dalia discovered Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in England and has continued to practice it in my course at the APUANIA ACADEMY in Massa.

Despite living in a village an hour's drive away, her mother is always willing to accompany her to classes because she has seen how much Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has helped her child.

Dalia's mother told me that since she started practicing Jiu-Jitsu, her daughter's self-esteem has increased, and she has become more comfortable in relating and collaborating with male classmates. This is a great achievement considering that she was initially somewhat wary of boys. This demonstrates that in a healthy environment, we can create the conditions to help future generations develop mutual respect.

Dalia's mother said that they have the possibility to attend a closer gym: "but Dalia loves the way I teach. She appreciates my calm and supportive approach, and the lessons that are a mix of fun, technique, and rolling."

3 commenti:

  1. Jiu-Jitsu, often referred to as the gentle art, is a martial art that has captured my heart and mind. Its intricate techniques, mental agility, and emphasis on leverage make it a captivating discipline that goes beyond physical strength. As someone who has practiced Jiu-Jitsu for several years, I can confidently say that it has had a profound impact on my life.

  2. Jiu-Jitsu, often referred to as the gentle art, is a martial art that has captured my heart and mind. Its intricate techniques, mental agility, and emphasis on leverage make it a captivating discipline that goes beyond physical strength. As someone who has practiced Jiu-Jitsu for several years, I can confidently say that it has had a profound impact on my life.
