Europeo 2010 Langhi vs Torres due fuoriclasse eppure in 13 min di lotta un ribaltamento! Sentiamo cosa ne pensa Xande Ribeiro del regolamento : "
"BJJ rules are messing up what jiu-jitsu really is. People are fighting for the advantage, for ...the point and for the win, but what about attacking the arm, triangles, chokes, collar chokes? Now jiu-jitsu is all about the sweeps, about holding the legs and stalling - nobody attacks anymore. Please people, lets fight, lets see the truth. Now jiu-jitsu is reduce to halfs, fifty-fiftys, 1/4 guards. Oh my God, this is terrible, they are ruining the ART and the sport is boring. Where are the takedowns? No no, flying half guards and siting on the butt. Where are the hands in the collar, X-chokes, triangles?"